"Alone, Banquo reveals his suspicions of Macbeth."
" "
"Macbeth enters and urges Banquo not to miss the feast that evening. He questions Banquo on his proposed movements. Banquo replies that he is going riding with his son, Fleance."
" "
"When he leaves, Macbeth briefs two hired murderers, and gives them instructions to kill Banquo and Fleance."
" "
"Again we see the contrast between the guilt-free Banquo and Macbeth, who is getting deeper and deeper into evil."
" "
"There is a double irony in Macbeth's plea to Banquo not to miss the feast:"
"* -He has no intention for Banquo to be there."
"* -In fact Banquo will be present, as a ghost!"
"*(See Imagery 7,Irony)"
" "
"Notice Macbeth's preoccupation with fears of children in this scene. (see Imagery 8)"
"*scene ii"
" "
"Macbeth and Lady Macbeth discuss their fears for the future. Macbeth tries to reassure her without revealing his plans for Banquo's murder."
" "
" "
"The scene is rich in imagery, especially animal imagery."
"*(See Imagery 1,2,4,6)"
" "
"We see the relationship between Macbeth and his wife changing. Now he is more firmly in control, and she is wavering and becoming distressed."
"*scene iii"
" "
"The murderers attack Banquo and Fleance. Banquo is killed, but Fleance escapes."
" "
" "
"A brief scene of action. The escape of Fleance allows the witches predictions to Banquo to come true. Shakespeare's King, James I, traced his ancestry to Fleance, and this aspect of the story was no doubt stressed for his benefit."
"*scene iv"
" "
"Macbeth and Lady Macbeth welcome the nobles to their banquet. Macbeth hears news about Banquo's murder and Fleance's escape from one of the murderers."
" "
"Suddenly Macbeth sees Banquo's ghost in his chair - he becomes upset."
"Lady Macbeth calms the guests but the ghost appears to Macbeth again, and the banquet breaks up in confusion."
" "
"Macbeth is badly shaken. He decides to visit the witches again to learn the future."
" "
"A very dramatic scene - the turning point of the play."
" "
"The confusion at the banquet emphasises the break-down of order in the kingdom. (see Themes 4)"
" "
"Lady Macbeth seems weary, a pointer to her later breakdown. Macbeth is unnerved by the ghost , but he still determines to carry on."
" "
"*See Key Scenes, Imagery 1,2,7"
"*scene v"
" "
"Hecate scolds the witches and plans another meeting with them."
" "
" "
"This scene was probably not written by Shakespeare, but added by someone else, to emphasise the supernatural element."
"It adds little to the play."
"*scene vi"
" "
"Lennox talks to another Lord, and mentions what Macbeth has done ironically. He says that Macduff has gone to England to raise an army to overthrow Macbeth."
" "
" "
"Another scene that summarises the action. We realise the extent of the mistrust for Macbeth and the suspicions about his actions."